Clown House GQP Passes ‘The Parents Bill of Rights’ Bill

The 🤡CloUsE HoUSe🤡 narrowly passed the Parents Bill of Rights bill, which they claim “give parents greater say in what’s taught in public schools…” Critics of the bill say it will further their fascist agenda and grant even more authority to ban books or anything else that hurts their sensitivities and threatens their white fragility as evidenced by attacks launched on public education in Red States.

Nuggets Added and Subtracted:

Bubblehead Boebert the Queen of the GED:

  • Require schools to report when transgender girls join girls’ athletics teams and if trans girls are allowed to use girls’ school restrooms or locker rooms
  • Seditious Caucus: Abolish the Department of Education and endorsed vouchers that would send public funds to private schools-Didn’t make the final cut.

McCarthy chose the bill’s number, H.R. 5, because children enter kindergarten at age 5, and the legislation is built on five pillars: parents’ right to examine curricula and school library books, meet with educators at least twice each school year, review school budgets and spending, be notified of violent events in their child’s school and have elementary and middle schools get their consent to change a child’s gender designation, pronouns or name.

‘It’s about every parent, mom and dad, but most importantly about the students in America,’ McCarthy said at the introduction event.”

The ‘no’ votes: Five Republicans voted against the bill: Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), Ken Buck (R-Colo.), Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) and Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.). No Democrats voted in favor.

Regardless, the bill is DOA in the Senate.

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