Liveblog - ICYMI: April 27, 2023

With so much going on in our world, we sometimes miss important issues. Please feel free to share any headlines or new developments we may have missed providing they come from reliable and credible sources.  In other words, please do not post any missed headlines form far right ‘news’ sources or regurgitate their Russian propaganda unless you’re trying to point out that the far-right extremist in our country and elsewhere actually believe their own BS or Russian disinformation.   We also ask that you provide a link to your source so folks can read it if they want. Please do not make any claims that you cannot factually validate or verify.

As Featured on Coffee Talk:


Coupman Qruz:

The Misogynistic, White Supremacist Speaks Out:

Private messages sent by Tucker Carlson that had been redacted in legal filings showed him making highly offensive remarks that went beyond the comments of his prime-time show.

Private messages sent by Mr. Carlson that had been redacted in legal filings showed him making highly offensive and crude remarks that went beyond the inflammatory, often racist comments of his prime-time show and anything disclosed in the lead-up to the trial.

And Mr. Carlson’s indiscretion has exposed him further. Given how polarizing he has been, both inside and outside Fox News, more evidence of embarrassing and inappropriate conduct could emerge. In video obtained by The Times, for instance, Mr. Carlson is shown off camera discussing his “postmenopausal fans” and whether they will approve of how he looks on the air. In another video, he is overheard describing a woman he finds “yummy.”

Don Lemon:

President Biden/Biden Administration:


TFG’s Legal Woes:

Trump lawyers ask House GOP for ‘legislative solution’ to block classified documents probe

Mr Trump’s lawyers are asking Republicans for a ‘legislative solution’ to prevent the Department of Justice from continuing its’ probe into Mr Trump’s alleged unlawful retention of national defence information

Lawyers for former president Donald Trump have asked the Republican-led House of Representatives to intervene by enacting a new law to protect the twice-impeached former president from the Department of Justice probe into his alleged unlawful retention of classified documents and his alleged efforts to obstruct that investigation.

In a letter to Ohio Representative Mike Turner, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, attorneys Timothy Parlatore, John Rowley and James Trusty claim the Department of Justice — the executive branch department charged with investigating and prosecuting federal crimes — is “not the appropriate agency to conduct investigations pertaining to the mishandling or spillage of classified material” and allege that the department’s handling of the probe into Mr Trump’s alleged misconduct “is antithetical to the principles of a fair and impartial search for the truth”.

The World’s Worst and Stupidest People in the World:

It’s. A. Cult:

Pay Attention, MAGAts:

East Brunswick GOP Candidate Said He’d ‘Light Up’ Rivals: Affidavit

Cops found 17 large-capacity magazines at David Herrera’s home after receiving a tip of a possible shooting against local government.

A Republican candidate for Council in East Brunswick was charged after police found 17 large-capacity ammunition magazines at his house, according to the affidavit of probable cause. Under New Jersey Firearms Laws, the magazines were not legal to own or possess.

Authorities searched the house of David Herrera, who ran for Council as a Republican candidate in the past elections, after receiving a tip that he threatened to “light up the Mayor and Town Council,” according to the affidavit.

Craven Assholes:

Craven Asshole of the Day Award: Darling Nikki-

State News:

And Qevie and the GQP want to cut funding for floods….his own state, POS:

The colossal amount of snow in California’s mountains from a winter of ferocious storms has started to melt, and an incoming heat wave is reigniting flooding concerns across the state.

“The ‘Big Melt’ is now officially arriving,” University of California, Los Angeles scientist Daniel Swain warned on Twitter a few days ago. “Flows on many rivers draining the central and southern Sierra will double or triple (with locally greater increases) as temperatures rise. Some rivers will exceed flood stage, and Tulare Basin flooding will worsen.”

A huge snowpack from record-smashing snowfalls may be a blessing for a region plagued by drought. But experts have warned it’s also a potential disaster if it melts all at once. 

‘Trump Train’ convoy boyfriend and girlfriend sued under KKK Act for tailing Biden-Harris campaign bus apologize after settlement: ‘I do not feel that I was thinking’

A Donald Trump-supporting couple who joined a “Trump Train” convoy tailing a Biden-Harris campaign bus on I-35 between Austin and San Antonio, Texas, a matter of days before their candidate lost the 2020 election, have apologized as part of a settlement.


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