UPDATE: Pro-Trump Attorney Lin Wood Talks Gibberish, Blames Georgia Bar Satanists


Recently retired attorney Lin Wood who worked to overturn the 2020 presidential election for loser Trump said the Georgia Bar is  heavily infiltrated and led by Freemasons and other secret society members and its symbols were satanic. 

Wood said he now has more time to spend with Jesus.

Lin Wood on Telegram

Anyone who suggests that my voluntary retirement from the GA B.A.R. was out of fear of disbarment, does not know me or has not followed me very long on Telegram. 

I am fearless. 

I could care less if I was ultimately disbarred. I even challenged Judge Cauthorn at the last hearing to “go ahead and disbar me.” Do I need to be a member of the GA B.A.R. to get to Heaven? No. 

For many months, I have prayed to seek the Lord’s guidance on how to proceed through the minefields of the enemy which were intentionally placed to harm or destroy me in the flesh. 

I am still standing. 

My retirement request to the GA B.A.R. was planned and timed in the manner and timing of my choice after much prayer and time spent reading the Holy Bible. 

Through the litigation process, I concluded that the GA B.A.R. was heavily infiltrated and led by Freemasons and other secret society members and its symbols were satanic. 

I wanted out!!! 

Light cannot yoke with darkness. 

So I got out. 

On terms totally acceptable to me. 

I thank the GA B.A.R. officials for promptly approving my retirement. They did me a favor!!!

Now I can narrow my focus on the remaining lawfare matters. 

And I will have more time to be an Innkeeper and to share Jesus Christ with my guests. 

Ignore the propaganda of the Mockingbird FAKE news media. I do. 

I praise and thank Jesus Christ for guiding me along the way on my way out of the GA B.A.R. 

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


This is a followup to Wednesday’s discussion about Wood begging the Georgia Bar to let him retire.


About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it