Ammon Bundy Posts Bond, Released From Jail After Friday Night Arrest

Far-right provocateur Ammon Bundy has been released from Gem County Jail after posting a $10,000 bond. Bundy was arrested Friday night at his son’s football fundraising banquet at Emmett High School in Idaho on an outstanding warrant for contempt of court charges related to his legal fight with St. Luke’s Health System. 

He posted bond early Sunday at 1:30 a.m., a Gem County Sheriff’s Office sergeant confirmed to the Idaho Statesman. St. Luke’s lawyer, Erik Stidham, also confirmed that Bundy bonded out early Sunday to The Daily Beast. Bundy himself did not respond when contacted by the Statesman, but on Twitter on Sunday night, he posted his own confirmation of his release. “I made it home on a $10,000 bond,” he said. “Thanks for all the prayers. I wonder if they will ever leave my family alone? This could happen to you…” 

Accompanying the post was a video explaining how he “stood up and took a stand” and is “buried in legal work,” after claiming his associate’s grandson was kidnapped by the hospital last year. In reality, 10-month-old “Baby Cyrus” was taken into protective custody after officials determined he was malnourished and underweight. An arrest warrant was issued for Bundy in April after he failed to show up to court for nearly a year over the civil suit filed by St. Luke’s Health System for defamation and harassment.


After Bundy was arrested Friday night:

Bundy’s “People’s Rights Network” of anti-government activists immediately snapped into action and urged people to call the Gem County Sheriff’s Department to demand his release. 

One leader in the network posted a video of himself calling the sheriff’s office: ”Let him out  now,” Garth Gaylord said into a phone. “The wrath of God is upon the people if we let you do this. You better stop, or the people are coming after you.” 

On Saturday night, Gaylord and others went to harass Gem County Sheriff Donnie Wunder at his home, according to the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights executive director Devin Burghart, who has been tracking the case and Bundy’s People’s Rights Network closely. 


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