House Ethics Committee Releases Report on George Santos and It isn’t Pretty

So, the biggest question is: What happens next? Will the House finally expel George Santos? The House is now on vacation so, nothing for the time being.

There’s ‘substantial evidence’ that Rep. George Santos broke the law, House panel finds

The House Ethics Committee said it will refer its findings, including new “uncharged” conduct, to the Justice Department.

On Thursday, the House Ethics Committee released their report on

its monthslong investigation into Rep. George Santos, concluding there is “substantial evidence” the New York Republican “violated federal criminal laws,” including using campaign funds for personal purposes and filing false campaign reports.

At the end of its probe, an ethics subcommittee tasked with investigating Santos “unanimously concluded that there was substantial evidence that Representative George Santos: knowingly caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission; used campaign funds for personal purposes; engaged in fraudulent conduct in connection with RedStone Strategies LLC; and engaged in knowing and willful violations of the Ethics in Government Act as it relates to his Financial Disclosure (FD) Statements filed with the House,” the bipartisan Ethics Committee said.

The DOJ has already charged Santos on multiple federal counts, including identity theft, money laundering and theft of public funds. He is set to go on trial in September and has pleaded not guilty.

Link to the report found here:

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!