Shocking! The GQP Caught Lying and Gaslighting About Thanksgiving Dinner Prices

In today’s world where information is just a mouse click away, the GQP continues to lie and gaslight the American people about pretty much anything. Unfortunately, there are enough mentally challenged people in this country who will believe the bullshit, repeat it, and pass it off as fact.

Just in time for Thanksgiving, the narrative they are pimping is how expensive a turkey is and somehow, it’s President Biden’s fault that turkeys are just so, so expensive. They’re not; prices have fallen but, the GQP will never tell you that part.

First the lie, then the facts:

Chaffetz: 'We went to go buy a turkey today. It was $90! It’s all a choice by Joe Biden.'

The segment sparked a large backlash on X, formerly known as Twitter, as thousands of accounts reacted to the comments. Most criticized Chaffetz, pointing out that the price he mentioned was suspect while posting the cost of turkey from various sellers.

Just going through the Diestel Turkey Ranch website, one could see why the price would be so high. The ranch notes that everything they produce is done according to strict environmental and welfare standards, stating that they use fresh pine-wood shavings in their barns and natural/organic cleaners. They add that they provide generous spaces for their birds to roam, and they use a proprietary feed made from plants like corn and soy, free from animal by-products, antibiotics, and chemicals. The site also mentions that their turkeys are raised in a wholesome, nourishing environment with access to fresh water and clean air rolling off the Sierra Nevada Foothills.

Fact: Thanksgiving dinner will be cheaper this year thanks to lower turkey costs, survey shows

  • Lower turkey costs will bring down the average cost of a Thanksgiving dinner this year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation.
  • Cranberry prices are down about 18%
  • While Thanksgiving food costs less than it did a year ago, it’s still much more expensive than it was before the pandemic.

What You Need To Know:

  • The average cost to feed 10 people a Thanksgiving dinner is $61.17 this year
  • That’s 4.5% less than last year, which set a record at $64.05
  • Falling turkey costs are the main reason for the price decline
  • Cubed stuffing, frozen peas, cranberries and whipping cream also cost less this year
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