Raise those glasses and give a rightly deserved clink in celebration of Repeal Day. Yes, on this day, December 5, 1933, we repealed the “Eighteenth Amendment which had established a nationwide ban on the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol.” Sure, excessive or binge drinking causes numerous issues but damn it, a glass of wine or two isn’t going screw up the world. So, raise your glass, even if you don’t drink, to repealing a very stupid amendment.

Note: Look at the “cottage industries” banning alcohol created. Look at the rise in crime, organized crime! etc. Not that I am for legalizing all drugs/controlled substances but we can look at what prohibition caused to see what criminalizing various drugs do.

Enjoy the day and stay safe!
This video is three years old but gives a bit of history on prohibition and repealing such a stupid amendment.