Wing Nut Watch Wednesday: MAGAt Organizers of J6 Rally Failed to Disclose Information on Permit Application

The probe pans the actions of both Women for America First and the Park Service.

“But, but, they had a permit to hold a rally! The J6 insurrectionists/Domestic Terrorists did nothing wrong. It was the FBI, Antifa, and BLM…not MAGAts,” claimed TFG and his MAGAt KKKult. However, it is simply untrue like most of what they claim.

According to ABC News:

The organizers of the rally that preceded the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S Capitol actively concealed information from the National Park Service that would have materially changed the security plans at the event, according to a new report from the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Interior Department.

The 45-page report, issued nearly three years after the Jan. 6 attack, focused primarily on the preparations for the “Save America” rally by members of the National Park Service and U.S. Park Police, which fall under the Interior Department.

"We found no evidence that the USPP failed to exercise its law enforcement responsibilities in accordance with policy on January 6 at both the Ellipse and the U.S. Capitol," the report said.

What’s in the Report:

  • National Park Service failed to review safety documents, inspect the site of the event, or notify the public about banned items at the Ellipse.
  • Women for America First
  • withheld information about then-President Donald Trump’s attendance at the event and the planned march to the Capitol.
'Basically she lied to all of us'
  • Organizers from Women for America First failed to provide information about Trump’s likely attendance at the rally.
  • They actively concealed information about the plans to follow the event with a march to the Capitol, despite a clear request for that information from the National Park Service.
"POTUS expectations are intimate and then send everyone over to the Capitol," White House liaison texted a WFAF contractor on Jan. 3, according to the report.

"This stays only between us, we are having a second stage at the Supreme Court again after the ellipse. POTUS is going to have us march there/the Capitol ... It can also not get out about the march because I will be in trouble with the national park service and all the agencies but POTUS is going to just call for it 'unexpectedly,'" a WFAF representative texted on Jan. 4 to MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who was a potential speaker at the event.
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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!