Free Chat Friday, Week 21

Hi News Viewers, welcome to Friday’s Free Chat, and what a Friday it is! Time to celebrate the fact that it’s Friday and that, because of a billion or so bucks, Trump, and his quid pro quo with Big Oil, may have finally accomplished the “one step over the line” misstep that most white–collar-red-tie criminals trip over (Joe Piscopo? You’ve been warned 🤨😁). Alas, there is SO much more to talk about, and so…… Free Chat……any old topic, as long as it falls within in the Cone of Civility and Community Expectations (I know, I just now co-opted the Cone from some military branch—makes the guidelines more covert ops and less bureaucratic, right?

So chat and chat alike —-what’s happening, News Viewers, in your neck of the woods?