Massive heat wave breaks records across the globe and results in thousands of deaths on four continents.

Reuters reports: “Deadly heatwaves are scorching cities on four continents as the Northern Hemisphere marks the first day of summer, a sign that climate change may again help to fuel record-breaking heat that could surpass last summer as the warmest in 2,000 years. Record temperatures in recent days are suspected to have caused hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths across Asia and Europe.

In Saudi Arabia, nearly two million Muslim pilgrims are finishing the haj at the Grand Mosque in Mecca this week. But hundreds have died during the journey amid temperatures above 51 degrees Celsius (124 degrees Fahrenheit), according to reports from foreign authorities.”


Last week, the Sonoran Desert hit 125 degrees, the highest recorded temperature in Mexican history. Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, hit that same temperature. Last month, part of New Delhi, India, soared above 120 degrees.


Climate vs Weather per the WHO: “

Weather is the continuously changing condition of the atmosphere, usually considered on a time scale that extends from minutes to weeks. Climate is the average state of the lower atmosphere, and the associated characteristics of the underlying land or water, in a particular region, usually spanning at least several years. Climate variability is the variation around the average climate, including seasonal variations and large-scale regional cycles in atmospheric and ocean circulations such as the El Niño/ Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or the North Atlantic Oscillation.

Climate change occurs over decades or longer time-scales. Until now, changes in the global climate have occurred naturally, across centuries or millennia, because of continental drift, various astronomical cycles, variations in solar energy output and volcanic activity. Over the past few decades it has become increasingly apparent that human actions are changing atmospheric composition, thereby causing global climate change 

Washington DC, June 20

From AccuWeather,

“When it remains this warm as people go to sleep, additional strain on the heart can occur as the body tries to regulate its internal temperature,” AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski explained.

AccuWeather meteorologists say that a change in the weather pattern will cause temperatures across the Northeast to retreat from record territory early in the new week, but it will still remain hot, with afternoon temperatures in the 90s.

And with the heat comes collision with pressure comes wind comes water comes chaotic wind currents comes tornadoes, hurricanes and hail.