Trump Ignoring Another Tradition and Breaking the Law in the Process: Documents for a Peaceful Transition of Power

As per his usual disgusting and narcissistic self, The Felon Guy has missed key deadlines to facilitate a smooth handover should he win in November.

In 2010, with overwhelming bipartisan support, Congress passed the Pre-Election Presidential Act to provide major party presidential candidates with funding and resources for robust transitional planning to help ensure a smooth and effective transition between presidential administrations.

Guess which candidate blew off providing signed documents to guarantee a smooth handover should he win on Nov. 5 against Vice President Kamala Harris? Yeah, The Orange Hitler.

Usually, we tend to ignore this process because it’s normally ‘drama free’ and the media does not report much on it because it’s just a process that has been followed and adhered to for years. But, that has changed because of Trump.

The first document that usually gets handed over to GSA is a memorandum of understanding that lays out the government’s obligations and makes available several million dollars to help coordinate the transition. However, he money “comes with a significant string attached: To receive it, each transition team must agree to disclose its private donors and impose a $5,000 limit on contributions from individuals or organizations.” Campaigns are also required to submit an ethics plan to the White House and promise not to hire lobbyists or other people with conflicts of interests for the transition. Finally, the candidates are supposed to submit an initial list of people who will need security clearances to receive the sort of classified briefings that will help get the incoming administration up to speed on national security issues.

Trump and Vance’s refusal to submit the required documents forced Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, to send a letter to the two weirdos warning that their much-hinted-at plan to flout transition rules could end up endangering national security. Evidence of Raskin’s claim comes directly from the 911 Commision because they found that “the delayed handover from the Clinton administration to the Bush administration after the 2000 election was, according to the 9/11 Commission, a factor in the latter missing the warning signs of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.”

The Maryland Democrat said it appears Trump could be trying to flout fundraising reporting requirements and rules designed to prevent conflicts of interest in the incoming administration. 

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