Nunes dodges questions about his involvement with digging up dirt on the Bidens

Ironically, Devin runs to the media to whine about the media.

In an interview with Fox ‘News’  Maria Bartiromo, “dodged questions about reports he met with Ukraine’s former top prosecutor in an effort to investigate the Bidens citing his threats to sue the media outlets that uncovered the allegations.”

“I really want to answer all these questions, and I promise you I absolutely will come back on the show and answer these questions,” Nunes, the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo. “But, because there is criminal activity here, we’re working with the appropriate law enforcement agencies; we’re going to file this, and everyone’s going to know the truth, everybody’s going to know all the facts.”

“But, I think you can understand that I can’t compete by trying to debate this out with the public media when 90% of the media are totally corrupt,” he added. “And, because this is criminal in nature, and because it’s so bad, it’s so slanderous — we’ve got all the facts on our side, and we’re going to file in federal court, because I’m not going to sit here and try to compete against the media that I have no chance of winning. I will win in court, and they’ll have a chance to cooperate, and they’ll have to show how they work with somebody who has been indicted, which is likely conspiring to obstruct justice.”


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