Haiku Wednesday

Here are the rules: I request that any stand alone comment you post be in Haiku format. How you reply to a comment is your choice.

In a nutshell:

Your first line MUST contain 5 syllables, nothing more, nothing less.

Second line must contain 7 syllables.

The last line reverts to the first line: 5 syllables.

Easy peasy-5,7,5.

I guess I will start:

As I walk along

I see so surreal things

Despair not knowing.

What will the next day

Bring us, sickness or our health?

Stay at home, enjoy.

We will once get there

We should not ever rush this

It will come one day.

Hair down to our ass

Silver streaks in a dark mess

I’ll get over it.

What about you all?

Are you healthy of sound mind?

We will get through this.

She doesn’t have the greatest voice but it’s good. She reminds me of someone I know who has the same ‘freaking dry hands!’

Hold on to your dreams

One day some might could come true

We hope for the best.

Who will be Trump' running mate?

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