Trump Installs Controversial Ally Anthony Tata as Acting Deputy Secretary at Pentagon

President Donald Trump’s pick for an influential Defense Department position who failed to receive a Senate confirmation hearing after his incendiary views on Islam and President Barack Obama drew widespread criticism will instead begin an acting position in the same office.

In what many members of Congress consider an end-run around its oversight of the military, Anthony Tata, a retired Army brigadier general and Afghanistan veteran, will become the acting deputy undersecretary of defense for policy after his Senate hearing to become the undersecretary for that office – essentially the No. 3 position within the department – was hastily scrubbed last week. Tata’s latest position does not require Senate approval.

The decision to appoint Tata to an acting position follows an increasingly common pattern within the Trump administration to fill influential positions with loyal allies who otherwise likely would not have made it through the congressional confirmation process.

The authoritarian path continues. Can’t get one of your cronies confirmed for a position? Simply label the position “acting” and just like magic, the pesky legislature is bypassed.

Source: MSN

Article submitted by, Darkillusion.