Sex Offender Gets Bloody Nose for Peeping on 15 Year Old in South Carolina Cracker Barrel Bathroom

A little something to brighten your day 😆

Suspect caught spying on girl in Cracker Barrel restroom held by dad, bystanders: Police


Police arrested a North Carolina sex offender on drug and voyeurism charges after he was allegedly caught in a women’s restaurant restroom Sunday morning.

According to Duncan Police Chief Carl Long, a 15-year-old girl claims that a man — identified as 53-year-old Douglas Lane, of Charlotte, N.C. — was looking at her while she was in the women’s bathroom at Cracker Barrel, located at 1525 E. Main St. in Duncan. She said she noticed something moving at her feet and realized it was a man’s head coming from the stall beside her.

When the girl left the restroom, she told her father, who then got a female employee to get him out of the bathroom.

Police said the girl’s father confronted Lane, who tried to get away, but other fathers aware of the incident reportedly helped tackle Lane in the parking lot and restrained him until police arrived.


Article submitted by, shelotmlee.