How Republicans Plan to Challenge the Electoral College Tally in January

Some Trump stooges led by Rep Mo Brooks (AL) are planning on challenging election results when Congress convenes on January 6 to officially tally the electoral college votes and certify Joe Biden as president-elect.

“We have a superior role under the Constitution than the Supreme Court does, than any federal court judge does, than any state court judge does,” Brooks told the New York Times. “What we say, goes. That’s the final verdict.”

Brooks says he plans on challenging the electors in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

In order for an objection to get a debate, he needs at least one senator to join him, and it’s not certain at this point if he can find one.

If an objection is filed, each Chamber would have to debate for 2 hours. For electors to be tossed, the Democratic-controlled House and the Republican-controlled Senate would have to agree.

Several Republican Senators have already said they will not vote to overturn the election. Those who have already acknowledged Joe Biden as president-elect are Susan Collins (MA), John Cornyn (TX), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Mitt Romney (UT), Marco Rubio (FL), Ben Sasse (NE), Pat Toomey (PA), Bill Cassidy (LA), and Lamar Alexander (TN).

For the record, House Democrats challenged Republican victories in 2001, 2005, and 2017, but the Democratic nominee had already conceded the election to the Republican.

Vice President Padre Pence will be in charge of counting the Electoral College votes and overseeing any objections.

Any objections will delay the process, but will not change the winner of the election.
