Palm Beach Has Prepared for a Possible Trump Indictment

Law enforcement officials in Palm Beach County have actively prepared a plan in the event that Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance hands down an indictment to the former guy while he resides at Mar-a-Lago.

Among the issues discussed according to high ranking county officials is how to handle extradition.

An obscure clause in Florida law apparently gives Governor Ron DeSantis the ability to intervene and determine whether an indicted person ought to be extradited to another state.

 “The statute leaves room for interpretation that the governor has the power to order a review and potentially not comply with the extradition notice,” says Joe Abruzzo, clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, the official who would be in charge of opening a potential fugitive-at-large case.

An interesting note is that Abruzzo is a former associate of Frank Biden, Joe’s brother.

While Mar-a-Lago closes down for the summer, the former guy is expected to move to Bedminster, New Jersey, where the governor there is Democrat Phil Murphy, who would not likely intervene in an extradition.

In March, DA Vance stated he would be retiring at the end of 2021. There is heavy speculation that the investigation into whether Trump and his businesses committed banking and tax fraud– among other lines of inquiry –will produce indictments before the case is passed along to his successor.

Trump will likely be moving back to Palm Beach in the fall, where he would again have the political protection of DeSantis.

Story at Politico.