Let Armed Vengeance be Mine, Bishop Lamor Whitehead Says –

After $1M Brooklyn Church (Alleged) Robbery — He Wants Clergy to Carry Guns


The Brooklyn minister who was (allegedly) robbed mid-sermon in his own church by gun-toting thieves who stole $1 million in jewelry from him and his wife urged elected officials to pass a law allowing clergy to carry guns to protect themselves and their congregations.

“They need to pass a law expeditiously that pastors of houses of worship — anyone on the ecclesiastical staff — need to be able to have permits for firearms,” said Bishop Lamor Whitehead, who was (allegedly) robbed in his Canarsie storefront church on Sunday. “If the teachers can have it, we should be able to have it.”

Such a law should even overlook the sins of his own past, said Whitehead, who served time in prison on an identity theft charge. “No matter if we have a record, it should be exempt,” Whitehead said. “So we should be able to bear arms as the Constitution says.”


At a press conference on Friday, Whitehead denied the figures and accused reporters of fabricating them, despite having previously said he had been robbed of “hundreds of thousands of dollars” worth of jewelry in Instagram posts. “Everybody is setting the narrative that all of this, there was a million dollars, it was $400,000, all that garbage, nobody can quote that I said any of that,” he said. “But to sell newspapers and to sell media, y’all put whatever number you want on its face and I don’t get the opportunity to defend myself.”

NYPD released a list of items (allegedly) stolen, the list and dollar amounts are the pastor’s.

$390,000 Cuban link chain, a $125,000 wedding ring and a $75,000 Cavalier watch. The total value of the items was estimated at $1,080,000, police said. Other items included $25,000 earrings, a $75,000 Rolex, a $20,000 Episcopal cross, a $15,000 gold chain, $50,000 wedding ring, a $25,000 Episcopal ring, a $10,000 gold chain, a $200,000 gold chain, a $20,000 emerald cross, and a $50,000 Episcopal ring.

At the press conference on Friday, Whitehead also called on the mayor, governor and other legislators to enact a law that would allow clergy members to carry guns, citing what he said was a security emergency amongst houses of worship.


◾️Former parishioner Pauline Anderson is suing the good pastor over $90,000 she says he swindled her out of.

◾️Whitehead has a $260,000 judgement against him over a home purchase.

◾️He served 5 years in Sing Sing over identity theft and grand larceny. 

◾️Related to the identity theft and grand larceny case, his home was searched and a stolen 9mm handgun and a bullet proof vest was found.

◾️He’s in default on a $4.5 million mortgage for properties in Hartford.

◾️Bounced checks and other court judgements in the hundreds of thousands.

The City 


This is a follow to a recent discussion and an earlier discussion on the good pastor.

No scripture and/or proselytizing

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it