Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist Nick Fuentes Calls for Holy War Against Jews

 “We’re in a holy war and I will tell you this. Because we’re willing to die in the holy war, we will make them die in the holy war. And they will go down.”
“We have God on our side,” he continued. “They will go down with their Satanic master. They have no future in America. The enemies of Christ have no future in this world.”

-Nick Fuentes, Disgusting POS

At an America First rally on Sunday, the disgusting POS, Nick Fuentes called for a holy war against Jews. He also went on an antisemitic rant, followed by influencer Sneako appearing on stage and calling him the future President of the United States.

Fuentes founded America First, a far-right organization that has questioned the number of Jews who were killed in the Holocaust and believes that Israel has a malicious influence on US policy. He first gained prominence after participating in the white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in 2017.

It’s important to note that the forever disgraced former president, Trump, had dinner with this Christofascist, anti-semitic, White Supremacist, sorry excuse for a human being in November 2022. A vote for TFG in 2024 is a vote for hate!

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!