The Proxy Battle Over Abortion as Polls Open in Ohio For a Special Election

Lawmakers voted last year to restrict most August special elections because of the cost and low turnout, but that was then, the hypocrites have since changed their minds.

The Issue 1 requirements are ultimately a proxy fight over abortion rights. Ohio Republicans pushed for the special election to pass Issue 1 in anticipation of a liberal-backed referendum, due to appear on the ballot in November, that would enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.

Ohio Republicans are betting that if a 60% majority is required to enshrine abortion rights in the state’s constitution, abortion rights advocates are less likely to succeed. And indeed, a late July poll found that 58% of Ohioans supported passing the amendment to protect abortion rights — a clear majority, but one that falls below 60%.

As for Issue 1 itself, the latest public poll shows a neck-and-neck race, with a slight edge for the “yes” side and a sizable share of voters who remain undecided.


Ohio Sec. of State LaRose admits move to make constitution harder to amend is ‘100% about… abortion’

COLUMBUS, Ohio — After months of denial, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose admitted that the proposal to make the constitution harder to amend is “100%” due to efforts to legalize abortion.


Nearly 700,000 Ohioans cast a ballot early either by showing up in person or returning an absentee ballot. Those figures will likely climb further as additional ballots arrive in the mail.

According to a press release there are roughly 7.9 million registered voters in the state. The early vote alone puts statewide turnout at 8.77%. That’s more than the statewide turnout in the entire election last August which included statehouse primary races.


The text of Issue 1 may be read here.

The returns will be updated here as available. Polls close at 7:30 Eastern. Stay tuned.

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