UPDATE: Trump Fraud Trial: Judge Accuses Ex-President Of Violating Gag Order—Again

Judge Forces Trump to Testify for Insult Then Fines Him $10K

In a shocking turn of events, the New York judge presiding over Donald Trump’s bank fraud trial ordered the former president to testify Wednesday over an insult Trump threw at the judge’s law clerk.

After a brief testimony by Trump, Justice Arthur F. Engoron formally called him out.

“As the trier of fact, I find that the witness is not credible, that he was referring to my law clerk, who is sitting much closer to me, who doesn’t have a barrier,” he said. “I hereby fine you $10,000, which is on the liberal side, to be paid within 30 days.”



Judge Engoron who is presiding over the civil fraud trial of Donald J. Trump on Wednesday signaled that he might again punish the former president for violating a gag order that bars Mr. Trump from attacking court staff.

During a break in the proceedings on Wednesday, Trump told the press gathered in the courthouse that the judge was going to find him guilty, “because this judge is a very partisan judge with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him, perhaps even much more partisan than he is.”

Trump was clearly referring to the Judge’s law clerk in violation of the gag order. Trump’s lawyers claimed that he was talking about Michael Cohen, which is ridiculous. The judge responded that the target of the comments had seemed clear to him. The judge then said he was taking it under advisement and reserving ruling on what to do next. He certainly didn’t seem to buy the bogus explanation.

After the break, the judge said he was concerned that the overheated environment in the courtroom could result in real danger. “I am very protective of my staff,” Justice Engoron said, adding, “I don’t want anyone to get killed.”

Judge Engoron also repeatedly ordered Trump and his lawyers to stop holding impromptu “press conferences” inside the courthouse, which is not permitted. Trump continues to violate that every day as well.

The judge fined Trump $5,000 last week.



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