China Threatens Sanctions to U.S. if Sale of Fighter Jets to Taiwan Occurs

In this Sept. 16, 2014, photo, a Taiwan Air Force F-16 fighter jet lands on a closed section of highway during the annual Han Kuang military exercises in Chiayi, central Taiwan. Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen has thanked the U.S. for approving the sale of 66 advanced F-16V fighter jets and urged China to respect Taiwan’s right to defend itself. (Wally Santana/Associated Press)

BEIJING — China said Wednesday that it will levy sanctions against U.S. companies linked to a planned $8 billion sale of advanced F-16V fighter jets to Taiwan in a move that has further strained Sino-American relations.

The U.S. should “immediately back away” from the arms sale proposal, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a daily briefing.

Geng said China urges the U.S. to “stop arms sales to and military interactions with Taiwan” or otherwise “bear all the consequences arising from it.”

See remainder of the article here, in the Washington Post :