A candidate for Marysville, Michigan’s City Council shocked the audience and other candidates with comments she made at a meet the candidates forum on Thursday.
Sixty-seven year old Jean Cramer responded to a moderator’s question about bringing more diversity Marysville, which is 95% white.
Cramer responded by saying, “My suggestion, recommendation: Keep Marysville a white community as much as possible. “Seriously, in other words no foreign-born, no foreign people because of what, in our past, we’ve experienced it’s better to have … simply American-born. Put it that way and no foreigners. No.”

Cramer claims she’s not a racist and would not have any issues living next door to a black couple but interracial marriage really freaks her out.
In an interview with The Times Herald, Cramer doubled down on her “non-racist” beliefs:
“(A) husband and wife need to be the same race. Same thing with kids. That’s how it’s been from the beginning of, how can I say, when God created the heaven and the earth. He created Adam and Eve at the same time. But as far as me being against blacks, no I’m not.
What is the issue is the biracial marriages, that’s the big problem. And there are a lot of people who don’t know it’s in the Bible and so they’re going outside of that.
Ms. Cramer finished her interview by saying interracial couples should remain single.
“Because those people don’t know the other side of it. For whatever reason, I’ve heard, they love each other, whatever, but there’s also such a thing as remaining single. People don’t necessarily have to get married, and, if they love somebody, love them single. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Candidate Says City in Michigan Should Be Kept White ‘As Much as Possible’
Marysville Mayor Dan Damman condemned Cramer’s racist comments and said she is unfit to hold office. He also stressed that everyone is welcome in Marysville regardless of color.