Michigan warns residents of deadly mosquito-borne virus

Michigan health officials are investigating three possible human cases of the deadly mosquito-borne illness known as Eastern equine encephalitis virus. (Photo: Getty Images)

Health officials in Michigan have issued a warning to residents as they investigate three possible human cases of a deadly mosquito-borne illness.The disease, known as Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEE), causes brain inflammation, which can be fatal.

“…….according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In severe cases, people may experience sudden onset of headache, high fever, chills, and vomiting, followed by disorientation, seizures, and coma.”

The three cases currently under investigation involve residents from Kalamazoo and Berrien counties, according to an Aug. 26 statement issued by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

See remainder of the story here and with the CDC :