Trump says he canceled secret Camp David meeting with Taliban leaders

War in Afghanistan

President Ashraf Ghani, center, had agreed to the risky Camp David visit in the hopes of finding a way out of a period of great uncertainty.CreditOmar Sobhani/Reuters

President Donald Trump said Saturday that Taliban leaders were to travel to the US for secret peace talks this weekend but that the meeting has been canceled and he’s called off peace talks with the militant group entirely.

Inviting Taliban leaders onto American soil is an unprecedented move and a significant development in America’s longest running war just days from the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. It comes after Trump said as recently as late last month that he is planning to withdraw thousands of US forces from Afghanistan but will keep 8,600 troops in the country at least for the time being. It’s not clear if Trump’s Saturday night announcement will impact that plan.

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