Seth Meyers: “Trump will be so shocked if he reads the Constitution.” 10/09/2019 Ms. G Entertainment 15 Seth takes a closer look at the White House threatening to obstruct the impeachment inquiry and refusing to cooperate with subpoenas.
Entertainment Seth Meyers: Republicans Storm Impeachment Hearing 10/23/2019 Ms. G Entertainment 1“The Democrats stick together. They don’t have Mitt Romney.”
Entertainment Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Impeachment 12/10/2019 Ms. G Entertainment, News 2eth takes a closer look at the House’s latest impeachment hearing and President Trump’s allies doubling down on a ludicrous conspiracy theory about Ukraine.
Politics Seth Meyers- A Closer Look: “Hey man, I guarantee you no one wants nude pictures of Donald Trump.” 11/13/2019 Ms. G Politics 26A recap of the House’s first public impeachment hearing into Trump , enjoy.