‘I don’t know those gentlemen!’ and musings from Trump’s bigly rally

Just like the original ‘coffee boy ‘George Papadopoulos, Trump doesn’t know coffee boys, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, either; although he’s taken pictures with the thugs ‘gentlemen’ and his son has dined with them.

May 21, 2018.

But enough about Trump and his ‘coffee boys.’

Tonight he held a bigly rally in Minneapolis because for some reason, he thinks he can win Minnesota.

JHC! His campaign blasted Prince! I’m definitely with Aaron Rupert on this one, SACRILEGE!

The exceptionally bright and talented, Eric Trump, just coined a new phrase, “Lock him up!’ about Hunter Biden. Right on cue, the Cult started chanting.

OK–this is just creepy. Trump’s way too turned on about Peter and Lisa. It’s pretty gross but I’m sure all the Viagra dependent Cultists are equally turned on.

As usual, Trump spouts off something totally absurd, like leading in the polls, which he’s not. Then, out does himself with some rant about, “manufactured,” and an alleged Press-Democratic Party conspiracy theory.

It appears he’s moving on from, ‘No Collusion,” to “No Pressure.” But, he has some fine folks in his camp: Rush, Sean, Lou, Mark, Larry, Moe, and Curly—no mention of Rudy.

Med check!

How presidential!

Remember, folks! If you support this guy, you support, racism, bigotry, xenophobia, misogyny, and pure, vile hate!

Do Democracy and your fellow American a big favor, GET OUT THE VOTE and send this buffoon back home….or to prison.

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