Trump holds a talk at a historic black college, doesn’t invite black students

Trump filled the room with his people during speech at black university

Only 7 students watch Trump talk at a historically black college after president fills auditorium with his allies

The State:


President Donald Trump traveled to South Carolina for an even at Benedict College, but only seven students at the historically black college were admitted to his event.

Leading up to the event, there was much local confusion as to how many of the 2,200 students would be able to attend.

The newspaper noted half of those were reserved for “guests of the administration” with the other half distributed locally. The South Carolina Republican Party was given 25 tickets.


Article submitted by, sheltomlee.

From Politico:

Trump also suggested that the treatment he has received since taking office was somehow similar to what African-Americans have faced for centuries with the US’ criminal justice system.

“You know I have my own experience, you know that. You see what’s going on with the witch hunt. It’s a terrible thing that’s going on in our country — no crimes — it’s an investigation in search of a crime.

If this were a Democrat, they would never allow this to happen.

In America you are innocent until proven guilty.”