Eight GOP Congressmen Who Will Vote on Impeachment Reportedly Spent July 4 in Moscow

A former Democratic National Committee official, Adam Parkhomenko, is raising questions about the partiality of eight republican congress critters who reportedly spent an Independence Day in secret meetings in Moscow.

“The meetings of American guests in both chambers of the Russian parliament were surrounded by a veil of secrecy,” a Moscow newspaper reported at the time.

The Republican delegation to Moscow included John Kennedy of Louisiana, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Richard Shelby of Alabama, Steve Daines of Montana, John Hoeven of North Dakota, Jerry Moran of Kansas, John Thune of South Dakota, and House member Kay Granger of Texas, according to a Washington Post report.

As quoted by the Washington Post, a Russian lawmaker, Vyacheslav Nikonov, said the meeting was “one of the easiest ones in my life.”

Sources at The Washington Post and Inquisitr.