A flyer distributed Tuesday listed Trump, along with son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, as honorees at Urban Revitalization Coalition’s planned Jan. 20 event at the Richmond university. (There was no indication that Trump was to attend.) The invitation-only event would have a $30,000 cash giveaway, according to the flyer.
“Once receiving the details, VUU made the decision to inform the URC that our campus was not the appropriate space for the event,” the historically black university said in a statement. “Virginia Union University is committed to its mission of empowering African Americans and other ethnic minorities through all of its programs, events, and partnerships.”
Urban Revitalization Coalition is a nonprofit founded last year by two members of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, an organization of people from minority communities who support the president. The group held a similar event in Cleveland in December, giving away $25,000 in cash, according toThe (Cleveland) Plain Dealer, and has also held events in Florida and Georgia.

Article submitted by, A Non Ymous.