John Bolton, the Senate Impeachment hearings, his book and $$$$$

Another Trump rodent is rewarded for being.....a Trump rodent.

The exact nature of Bolton’s version of events is uncertain, as is its potential impact on the trial. What’s clearer is the irony it represents. Over the past five months, some potential witnesses chose to stay quiet, fearing either legal consequences or the loss of Trump’s favor. Others, sensing an urgent civic duty, rose to the occasion and went public with their accounts. But Bolton somehow forged a third path in the Ukraine scandal: unvarnished self-enrichment. The least Trumpian of Trump’s recent advisors now resembles him more than ever.

Senate Republicans had already struggled to defend their decision to not call witnesses before Bolton’s bombshell went off. It would be indefensible to not obtain his account, either by compelling him to testify in person or forcing his publisher to hand over the manuscript, before the trial ends. Whatever the outcome, it’s a poetic turn of events.  The president’s greatest threat may not be from high-minded civic idealists, but a grifter whose shamelessness may exceed his own. After all, Trump only wanted a corrupt quid pro quo with Ukraine. Bolton wants one with the American people.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.