Tom Perez calls for a recanvass of Iowa Caucus results and other updates

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez called for a recanvass of all results in Iowa on Thursday, as the state’s Democratic Party continues to struggle to verify the data from Monday night’s caucuses.

The move is a significant step and raises further questions about how long the results of the key Iowa caucuses will remain outstanding. In a recanvass, all the numbers that were released by the state party would be checked against the results that were recorded at caucus sites.

Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanderswere locked in a close battle for first in Iowa on Thursday with 97% of precinct reporting. Buttigieg held a .1% lead over Sanders, with former Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar trailing behind.


And then the Trumpstains from 4Chan decided to troll and clog the lines:

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