Florida: Man arrested after allegedly plowing van into GOP registration tent

A man has been arrested after allegedly deliberately driving a van into a tent full of Trump supporters who were working to register new voters at a shopping center parking lot.

The incident occurred on Saturday afternoon in the Kernan Village Shopping Center in eastern Jacksonville, Florida, when a man, later identified by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office as 27-year-old Gregory Timm, allegedly drove a van through a tent where people were working to register voters. The driver narrowly missed several people in the tent and fled the scene after the incident by car.

“We are outraged by this senseless act of violence toward our great volunteers,” said Duval GOP Chairman Dean Black in a statement on Facebook. “The Republican Party of Duval County will not be intimidated by these cowards and we will not be silenced. I call on every Republican in our great city to stand up, get involved, and show these radicals that we will not be intimidated from exercising our Constitutional rights.”


Trump and Ronna Romney tweeted about the incident:

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!