Senator Ron Wyden Demanding Ukraine Documents In Response to Republican Biden Investigations

Senator Ron Wyden has asked the State Department for a wide range of documents involving Ukraine in response to Republican requests for documents focusing on Joe and Hunter Biden.

Wyden sent a letter to Mike Pompeo demanding documents on Ukraine from both the Obama and Trump administrations, along with records on Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas, and Igor Fruman.

Wyden’s letter is in response to requests by Senators Chuck Grassley, Ron Johnson, and Lindsey Graham in November to investigate whether Biden misused his position to help his son.

“As the ranking Democratic member of the Senate Finance Committee, I am concerned that, in the absence of additional information concerning similar activities during the Trump Administration, the Department’s production of information requested by the Senate Committees could create an incomplete and biased record of the State Department’s activities related to Ukraine,” Wyden wrote.

In addition to records on individuals connected to the Ukraine saga, Wyden’s letter asked for documents “related to support by Congress and the international community for the removal of” Viktor Shokin, Ukraine’s former top prosecutor who was fired in 2016 after a pressure campaign by the West, including Biden, who was dissatisfied with Shokin’s ability to root out corruption.

This complete story can be found at BuzzFeedNews.