The Billionaire of Education is Giving Away Your Tax Money as Grants to Charter Schools Which Are Failing at Record Rates

WATCH: Betsy DeVos gets snippy — but can’t even answer basic questions before Congress

Secretary Devos Claims a Report Showing Charters Average 40% Failure Rate is Fake News, but Doesn’t Know What the Actual Failure Rate is

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos testified before a House Appropriations subcommittee Thursday and was repeatedly unable to answer basic questions, got snippy with Democratic lawmakers, and falsely claimed research cited by top Democrats was wrong and had been “debunked.”

(The numbers behind that research came from DeVos herself, according to this piece in the Washington Post.)

Congressman Pocan was referring to reports that show more than 40 percent of charter schools funded in full or in part by the federal government “collected the grants and then either did not open, or have opened and shut down,” as the report’s author wrote in The Washington Post.

Article submitted by, sheltomlee.