Happy Leap Year Day! What a peaceful, relaxing Saturday with no demands, wants, or pestering from others.
Only 247 days until we get our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb. I just filled out my ballot for Super Tuesday and will drop it off at a nearby library on Monday.
Thanks to all who have contributed articles to News Views and thanks to everyone for participating on our threads and Live Discussions.
45 BC Feb 29, The first Leap Day was recognized by proclamation of Julius Caesar. Under the old Roman calendar the last day of February was the last day of the year.

1692 First people are accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts – Sarah Good, Sarah Osborne and Tituba, a West Indian slave.

1952 Feb 29, The first pedestrian “Walk/Don’t Walk” signs were installed at 44th Street and Broadway at Times Square
1968 Beatles’ “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” wins Grammy Award for Album of the Year, the first rock LP to do so.
1968 At the Grammy Awards, the Best Female R&B Vocal Performance category is given for the first time, and Aretha Franklin wins it for “Respect.” She wins the award again each of the next seven years.
1980 Buddy Holly‘s iconic glasses, which were lost in the plane crash that killed him in Iowa, are found in evidence by a local sheriff. The glasses were found two months after the crash and turned in to police, where they stayed for the next 21 years.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend; they fly by so quickly.