Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions III Resumes Kissing Donnie’s Orange Bum

Wily lil' critter wants his Senate seat back

Former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whose troubled tenure under Donald Trump ended with him stepping down in 2018, is now claiming he is the president’s “number one supporter” in his Senate campaign.

Sessions is pitching himself to Alabama voters as an ardent Trump loyalist despite being “forced…out” of the office by the president in November 2018, as The New York Times described the tense White House split. But now Sessions is being challenged by Alabama residents who polls show have overwhelming support for Trump — and a lot of questions about Sessions’ loyalty and respect for the president.

On Twitter and in conservative talk radio conversations, the former Republican senator seeking to reclaim his old seat is touting himself as “the one who helped Donald Trump form his agenda.”

Trump turned against “very weak” Sessions after the then-attorney general recused himself from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump administration for allegedly colluding with Russia in the 2016 presidential election. Despite this, Sessions is washing over his falling out with the president to appeal to Alabama voters.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo