NY AG Warns Televangelist Jim Bakker: Coronavirus Cure Claims Are Illegal, Unproven

NU††ER WA†CH: AG Says to Cease and Desist

The clip generated a good deal of press coverage and on Tuesday, the office of the New York Attorney General sent Baker a cease and desist order instructing him to stop “making misleading claims regarding the Silver Solution’s effectiveness” and to add a disclaimer to the solution that he sell.

Here’s the video that brought the AG into it.

I’ll include the first and last paragraphs of the letter to Preacher Bakker from the NY AG and enclose a link to the rest of the letter for your reading pleasure.

Dear Mr. Bakker:
The New York State Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) is extremely concerned by certain statements made during the February 12, 2020 screening of The Jim Bakker Show. During this screening, you asked your guest Sherrill Sellman if the Silver Solution sold on the show’s website would be effective against the coronavirus, to which Ms. Sherman responded: “Let‘s say it hasn’t been tested on this strain of the coronavirus, but it’s been tested on other strains of the coronavirus and has been able to eliminate it within 12 hours.” New York residents can view your show on the internet and local television, and your show’s website sells Silver Solution products to New York residents.

Within the next ten business days, please contact the undersigned to confirm that the Jim Bakker Show has so complied. Your failure to comply with this directive may result in further action by this office. Please be advised that the Office of the Attorney General is authorized pursuant to Executive Law § 63(12) and General Business Law Article 22-A to bring suit to enjoin any deceptive acts and practices, and to seek restitution, damages, and penalties of up to $5,000 per violation (§ 35O-d).
Lisa Landau
Chief, Health Care Bureau

Bakker was also advised to “affix” this disclaimer:

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” – to all Silver Solution products listed on the show’s online store.

We wouldn’t want this to happen again would we?

Right Wing Watch

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