A U.S. District Court judge ruled against former Bremerton High School football coach Joe Kennedy, who got national attention five years ago when the school banned him from praying on the 50-yard line after games and he sued, saying his religious rights were violated.
U.S. District Court Judge Ronald Leighton (GW Bush) granted Bremerton School District’s motion for summary judgment on Thursday.
Leighton noted that the case highlighted the tension inherent in the First Amendment, noting that public school employees have the right to religious expression but the district also has the right to restrict that expression if it violates the prohibition on the government favoring a particular religion, the Kitsap Sun reported. Leighton wrote, “Although the court is sympathetic to Kennedy’s desire to follow his beliefs, the former right must give way to the latter in this case.”
His attorney, Mike Berry, from the First Liberty Institute, said they will appeal to the 9th Circuit.
Joe Kennedy has lost several lower court cases.
Joe Kennedy has prayed the team to a 2-7, 4-6, and a 3-7 record in his last three years at Bremerton HS.