March 8, 2020, International Women’s Day, I’m thinking about the 2020 election. a female-free field now; I’m thinking of the “peace deal” with the Taliban because of what the Taliban does to women and girls; I’m thinking that every year we highlight IWD and still have 10 year old girls being married to middle aged men. (RMK)
The following is the Guardian’s take on the day, check the link here:
People all over the world are sharing photographs of themselves making an ‘equal’ sign with their arms, as part of the hashtag #EachforEqual, promoting gender inequality.
Here is an Amnesty International community group based in Durban, South Africa, who have been operating for 30 year with members of all ages, right up to 89 year old Coral.
Demonstrations are also taking place in Kiev, Ukraine. Activists are calling for an end to violence against women, and wider gender equality.
More to follow at the Guardian: