Fox’s Trish Reagan Calls Coronavirus Impeachment Scam Against Trump

You want crazy? We got crazy

Trish Regan Says Coronavirus Is an Impeachment ‘Scam’ Against Trump ‘All Over Again’: Trying to ‘Demonize And Destroy the President’

Coronavirus Impeachment Scam? How’d the scammers get the entire population of Italy to play along?


Fox Business host Trish Regan ripped into Democrats and the media equal parts for their comments on coronavirus, alongside a graphic that blared “Coronavirus impeachment scam.”


“I see. This is impeachment all over again… They don’t care who they hurt. Whether it be their need to create mass hysteria to encourage a market sell-off, unlike anything we have seen recently or to be to create mass hysteria to stop our economy dead in its tracks.”

Article submitted by, sheltomlee.