Sitting on a throne of skulls, Mitch McConnell confirms his 8,999th judge

We will go back to judges,” he said in an interview. “My motto for the rest of the year is leave no vacancy behind.”

Senate Republicans ready to fill a seat on the nation’s second-most powerful court with a 37-year-old man rated “not qualified” to be a judge


Even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are still focused on confirming more judges ― and if they get their way, they’ll soon be filling a seat on the nation’s second-most powerful court with a 37-year-old guy who was rated “not qualified” to be a judge.

Trump plans to nominate Justin Walker to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. It was just six months ago that Senate Republicans confirmed Walker, then an associate law professor at the University of Louisville, to the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky. That’s a pretty quick turnaround for a promotion, particularly since Walker earned a rare and embarrassing “not qualified” rating from the ABA.

Walker “does not presently have the requisite trial or litigation experience” to be a federal judge, the ABA concluded in a July review.

Article submitted by, sheltomlee.