Free Chat Friday, Week 15


I THINK it’s Friday, right? 🤔🤔

It could be Tuesday for all I know; the days begin to look alike—- Wake up; follow the cats’ orders, (usually involving food); complete daily power-walk up and down the hall 5,000 times; throw a shoe or three at Joe and Mika; skulk out onto the back deck in response to unfamiliar noises (whoa. Birds. Loud Birds. I remember birds from back in the day….the birds are back, WOW); Next: Come back inside having inner shower discussion (should I take a shower? No need, I’m almost positive I took one in the distant past, Sigh. OH OK,, Shower it is — Mom’s ghost giving me eerie warnings, “what if you get COVID-19 and they find you dead STILL wearing your jammies?With bed head?

Happy Friday, News Viewers, what’s going on in Lockdown world? This is the time to talk about all things political, relational, philosophical, comical, intellectual, cultural, edible, fashionable, unbelievable and nonsensical. (Did I leave anything out? educational? musical) 😁😊 Anything goes 🙂 within reason or without reason– what’s happening in your worlds?