Last Call: 4-18-20

198 days until the General Election and our chance to kick the Orange Ass to the curb, if we’re not all not dead from The Trumpvirus.

Just a few housekeeping items to address: Please refrain from downvoting others, please. Save your downvotes for the trolls, racists, and general assholes that pop in here now and then; valued members of our awesome Community do not deserve them.

I try not to delete comments but threats of violence will not fly.

We offer several threads that essentially focus on some form of ‘free chat.’ Although we encourage friendly banter and want y’all to have fun here, try to keep the off-topic, back and forth to a minimum or find a ‘free chat’ type thread and yuk it up there.

Other than that, Happy Quarantine!

Today in History:

1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire kills nearly 4,000 while destroying 75% of the city

1948  International Court of Justice opened at Hague, Netherlands.

***My how I wish we could march the Orange Ass off to the Hague for crimes against humanity.

On 4-21-16, Prince Rogers Nelson died from an accidental fentanyl overdose in his Paisley Park estate.

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About Ms. G 5749 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!