Bipartisan Senate report backs intel community assessment that Russia interfered to help Trump in 2016 election

bipartisan report from the Senate Intelligence committee released on Tuesday has backed the US intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election to help then-candidate Donald Trump.

The committee’s findings are a rebuke to Trump’s frequent claims of a “hoax” that Russia was trying to help him win and the President’s attacks on the intelligence community. The panel concluded that the Obama administration’s assessment on Russian election interference was crafted without political bias, undercutting the President’s claims that officials like former CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper were using the intelligence community to attack him.

Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr said in a statement that the assessment reflected “strong tradecraft” and “sound analytical reasoning.”

“The Committee found no reason to dispute the Intelligence Community’s conclusions,” Burr said.

Full story at CNN

Article submitted by Fiscal Guy