Update: 23 people confirmed dead in Nova Scotia, Canada mass shooting

Update to a prior NV Discussion

Twenty-three people are now confirmed dead after the shooting rampage that began Saturday in Portapique, N.S., and ended Sunday almost 100 kilometres away in Enfield

As police investigators compile evidence from the 16 crime scenes scattered around those towns, the piles of flowers and mournful notes piling up at memorials across Nova Scotia are growing.

More than five structures and cars were burnt in the course of the shooting, including homes in Portapique and Wentworth that were reduced to rubble, as firefighters were unable to tend to them while the shooting continued.

For the past two days, [Premier Stephen] McNeil has been pressed about why the province did not issue an emergency alert Saturday night or Sunday morning while the shooter moved about the province. On Monday, at the COVID-19 news briefing, McNeil said the province would have only done so if RCMP had asked, and provided the necessary details to include in the alert.

“We had staff on hand in the morning to be able to do that. But it was not requested,” McNeil said.


more – AsItHappens,CBCradio

Article submitted by, A Non Ymous.