‘SNL’s’ Cecily Strong Roasts Trump as Gretchen Whitmer: ‘That woman’ is ‘what Trump calls his wife’

Cecily Strong portrayed Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a skit for Saturday’s SNL, although the bit never aired. The bit showed Strong in her portrayal giving advice to protestors in her state, and commentary on being V.P. Joe Biden’s potential veep, while nursing a LaBatt’s beer.

“Trump refers to me as ‘that woman from Michigan,'” she said. “But I’m not offended because I am proud to be from Michigan. And ‘that woman’ is also what Trump calls his wife.”

In an interview on Sunday, Whitmer reacted to the portrayal.

“It’s kind of funny, but … they got the beer wrong,” Whitmer told Langton before holding up an unopened bottle of Two Hearted Ale from Comstock-based Bell’s Brewery. “It should’ve been a Michigan beer, not Labatt.

“We love Canada, but we drink Michigan beer.”

Source at The Hill and also Detroit Free Press.