Bolsonaro outdoes Trump: Brazil’s top court approves investigation into his alleged interference with federal police investigations

Maybe he should hire Dershowitz....

“The president of the republic … is also subject to the laws, just like any other of the country’s citizens,” the supreme court judge Celso de Mello noted in his decision on Monday night.  “No one, absolutely no one, is entitled to infringe and show contempt for our country’s laws and constitution.”

Claims that Bolsonaro had improperly tried to meddle in the police were made last Friday by Sergio Moro, the outgoing justice minister.

Two prominent Brazilian newspapers, the Folha de São Paulo and Correio Braziliense, have claimed Bolsonaro’s desire to remove the federal police director was driven by the knowledge that investigators examining the criminal dissemination of fake news were closing in on his son Carlos Bolsonaro.  Federal police investigators in Rio de Janeiro are also investigating another of the president’s sons, Flávio Bolsonaro, for suspected corruption and ties to Rio’s mafia.

The far-right president and his sons deny the accusations against them.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.