GOP lawmaker damages state house steps after dousing them with olive oil to protest Satanists!

OLYMPIA – Rep. Matt Shea (with red tie) joins a group of Christians praying and blowing ceremonial rams horns on the Capitol steps on March 6 after a group of Satanists marched around the building earlier in the day.


Washington State Rep. Matt Shea (R-WA)—who’s been accused of participating in domestic terrorism against the U.S.—has to cough up $4,700 after he damaged the steps of a Capitol building by drenching them with olive oil in March while protesting against a group of Satanists marchers.

The oil seeped into the legislature building’s porous steps, forcing workers to spend days giving them a deep clean.

“This invoice to you is generated to recover the full amount of expense incurred to repair damage caused by olive oil on the Legislative Building Steps on March 6, 2020,” a letter to Shea from the Department of Enterprise Service’s finance office reads.

Shea drenched the steps as part of a Christian counterdemonstration in response to followers of the Satanic Temple of Washington marching at the building.

In a video of the incident, Shea can be seen walking with leather-clad members of a group called the “Lord Jesus Christ—Christian Crusaders” as he pours the oil down the steps where the Satanists had passed.

The Daily Beast

Original article at The Spokesman Review

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