Crews Remove 115-Year-Old Birmingham, AL Confederate Monument




A day after unrest turned protests violent in downtown Birmingham, most of a Confederate monument was removed piece by piece Monday night. Removal of the monument in Birmingham’s Linn Park was a rallying cry for demonstrators Monday. Workers loaded the 115-year-old Confederate Sailors and Soldiers monument onto a flatbed truck.

Celebrating treason side…

“The Alabama Monuments Preservation Act provides a singular avenue for enforcement — the filing of a civil complaint in pursuit of a fine, which the Alabama Supreme Court has determined to be a one-time assessment of $25,000. The Act authorizes no additional relief,” [state AG Steve] Marshall said in a statement Monday. “Should the City of Birmingham proceed with the removal of the monument in question, based upon multiple conversations I have had today, city leaders understand I will perform the duties assigned to me by the Act to pursue a new civil complaint against the City.”

“It used to be a sore. It’s cancer. It’s eating away at the community,” [Jefferson County Commissioner Sheila] Tyson said. “We cannot grow, we cannot expand with this monster wings over us, choking us, and it’s got to leave.”

UofA-Birmingham PublicRadio

Article submitted by, A Non Ymous.